Welcome! I am the Peter Mair Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics at the
European University Institute (EUI). I study political behavior in industrialized democracies, focusing on immigration, xenophobia, and political violence.
Methodologically, I specialize in causal inference and quasi-experimental research designs.
Before joining the EUI, I was a
Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow at
Nuffield College
(University of Oxford), where I remain an associate member. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University in 2022.
Freedom of Movement Restrictions Inhibit the Psychological Integration of Refugees (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Politics, 84(4): 2288-2293.
Local News Monopolies Increase Misperceptions about Immigration (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(17): 4536-4558.
War and Nationalism: How WW1 battle deaths fueled civilians' support for the Nazi Party (with Felix Haass, Alexander De Juan, Carlo Koos, and Thomas Tichelbaecker). American Political Science Review, 118(1): 144-162.
Natural Disasters and Green Party Support (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Politics, 86(1): 241-256.
Refugee Labor Market Access Increases Support for Immigration (with Anselm Hager and Hanno Hilbig). Comparative Political Studies, 57(5): 749-777.
Does Inequality Foster Xenophobia? Evidence from the German Refugee Crisis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(2): 359-378.
Out-group Threat and Xenophobic Hate Crimes (with Daniel Bischof and Markus Wagner). Journal of Politics, 86(4): 1147-1161.
After the Genocide: Proximity to Victims and Support for Punishing Ingroup Crimes (with Volha Charnysh). Forthcoming, Comparative Political Studies.
Local Newspaper Decline and Political Polarization - Evidence from a Multi-Party Setting (with Fabio Ellger, Hanno Hilbig, and Philipp Tillmann). Forthcoming, British Journal of Political Science.
Working Papers
Racial Threat in Public Social Spaces (with Tobias Roemer). R&R, Journal of Politics.
Anti-immigrant Bias in the Choice between Punitive and Rehabilitative Justice (with Maik Hamjediers). R&R, British Journal of Political Science.
Shielding Voters? How Partisanship Shapes the Placement of Refugee Housing Facilities (with Jeremy Ferwerda). R&R, Journal of Politics.
Limited Backlash? Assessing the Geographic Scope of Electoral Responses to Refugees (with Jeremy Ferwerda). R&R, Political Science Research and Methods.
Do Autocrats Respond to Citizen Demands? Petitions and Housing Construction in the GDR (with Hans Lueders and Hanno Hilbig). R&R, Comparative Political Studies.
The Gendered Persistence of Authoritarian Indoctrination (with Nourhan Elsayed, Hanno Hilbig, and Daniel Ziblatt). R&R, British Journal of Political Science.
Revisiting History, Reshaping Memory: The Effects of Confronting In-Group Atrocities (with Alexander De Juan, Julian Voß, and Anton Peez).