Sascha Riaz

Assistant Professor
Department of Political and Social Sciences
European University Institute (EUI)


Welcome! I am the Peter Mair Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics at the European University Institute (EUI). Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow at Nuffield College (University of Oxford), where I remain an associate member.

I study political behavior in industrialized democracies, focusing on immigration, xenophobia, and political violence. Methodologically, I specialize in causal inference and quasi-experimental research designs.

I hold a Ph.D. in Government (2022) and Master's in Statistics (2020) from Harvard University, where my research was supported by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, and the the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.


  1. Freedom of Movement Restrictions Inhibit the Psychological Integration of Refugees (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Politics, 84(4): 2288-2293.
  2. Local News Monopolies Increase Misperceptions about Immigration (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(17): 4536-4558.
  3. War and Nationalism: How WW1 battle deaths fueled civilians' support for the Nazi Party (with Felix Haass, Alexander De Juan, Carlo Koos, and Thomas Tichelbaecker). American Political Science Review, 118(1): 144-162.
  4. Natural Disasters and Green Party Support (with Hanno Hilbig). Journal of Politics, 86(1): 241-256.
  5. Refugee Labor Market Access Increases Support for Immigration (with Anselm Hager and Hanno Hilbig). Comparative Political Studies, 57(5): 749-777.
  6. Does Inequality Foster Xenophobia? Evidence from the German Refugee Crisis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(2): 359-378.
  7. Out-group Threat and Xenophobic Hate Crimes (with Daniel Bischof and Markus Wagner). Forthcoming, Journal of Politics.
  8. After the Genocide: Proximity to Victims and Support for Punishing Ingroup Crimes (with Volha Charnysh). Forthcoming, Comparative Political Studies.
  9. Local Newspaper Decline and Political Polarization - Evidence from a Multi-Party Setting (with Fabio Ellger, Hanno Hilbig, and Philipp Tillmann). Forthcoming, British Journal of Political Science.

Selected Working Papers

  1. Racial Threat in Public Social Spaces (with Tobias Roemer). R&R, Journal of Politics.
  2. Anti-immigrant Bias in the Choice between Punitive and Rehabilitative Justice (with Maik Hamjediers). R&R, British Journal of Political Science.
  3. Limited Backlash? Assessing the Geographic Scope of Electoral Responses to Refugees (with Jeremy Ferwerda).
  4. Shielding Voters? How Partisanship Shapes the Placement of Refugee Housing Facilities (with Jeremy Ferwerda).
  5. Revisiting History, Reshaping Politics: The Effects of Confronting In-Group Atrocities (with Alexander De Juan, Julian Voß, and Anton Peez).